Inaugural Caldera Cruise

Caldera definition - a bowl shaped depression caused by the collapse or erosion of a volcanic cone.

So we have this massive caldera right on our doorstep supporting ancient Gondwana rainforests, waterfalls, vistas and mountains and it just begs for some exploring…..

So much so that founding Byron Bay Runners member Simon Byrne had the long held goal of circumnavigating the Wollumbin Caldera.  This was done over a weekend in December 2021 with a number of helpers and support crew.  At approximately 40km diameter and 260km circumference – this was the Caldera Conqueror.

And so the Caldera Cruise Trail race was born providing a small snippet of this amazing landscape to explore via a 12km and a 25km trail run.

The trails were chosen and test run by Jacqui and Matt.  Mike and Clara helped check and clear trails in readiness for the race (is that a chainsaw in your pocket Mike?).  Tonia, Sarah, Zach and Peter arrived on the Saturday marking courses and camping the night in preparation.

And the day arrives, Sunday the 26th June, and out of the cold forest mist runners arrived.  Colourful outfits, nervous chatter, large grins, milling around Rummery Park Campground marvelling at the amazing forest they were about to immerse themselves in.

A quick briefing and the 25km participants were away!

Positions please volunteers!  Andy and Will scampered down to Minyon Falls lookout.  Onya bike John up to the “Four Ways”.  Pete stationed at Peates Mountain (of course).  Caz as unofficial photographer and the amazing Sarah at Rummery Park hub.  All there to assist runners and ensure directions, food and water were catered for.

The fog and mist had cleared to sunshine and it was time to send the 12km runners on their way.  Lots of smiles and nervous grins as the tape fell.

It seemed like no time and runners were looping back through Rummery Park hub noting the beauty of Minyon Falls vistas and the beautiful run along the Boggy Creek track (Repentance Creek).  Georgie in the 25km was looking strong.  We almost didn’t see Connor in the 12km as he ran past so fast. A few scrapes but all smiles as runners made their way onto the Peates Mountain Track….an ominous climb awaits up through the rain forest.

Timekeepers poised as in the distance runners emerged out of the forest and sunshine belting down Peates Mountain road to the finish line.  Connor was flying as he crossed the line first in the 12km (which turned out to be a bit over 13km!).  He had a great time of 1hr 7mins.  He had enough time to catch is breath and watch Zach come in second (1:12) and Clement third (1:13).

Sandra had taken a few extra tracks while going up Peates Mountain but still managed to come in first female for the 12km at 1hr 40mins.  Bec (1:46) and Amanda (1:48) followed soon after for second and third.  Jo, our sweeper, ensured all 12km runners were home safely.

Shortly after our first 25km runner Georgie emerged in the distance and brought it home strong to take first position in 3hrs 8 mins.  Still smiling after such a memorable effort. There after Danni took second (3:48) and Susan third (3:51).  Rod came in first in the men (3:52).  Our sweeper Sharon even gave a little cheer and heel click as she crossed the line wrapping up the racing.

Courageous running by all as plenty of hills, fire trails, boggy creek tracks and technical single track, not to mention numerous logs to hurdle.  The experience, the forest, the waterfalls had made it all worth it.  As small part of the Caldera conquered!

Thanks to all the runners who participated – you were magnificent.  And a big thankyou to the volunteers (Andy, Will, Caz, Peter, John, Jo, Sharon, Zach, Tonia and Sarah – who ran the hub in the background).

See you all next year.


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